Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In the morning

I start the day with a grimace sometimes. I have been told I sleep that way as well. I don't prefer this, I just somehow end up in that space. I don't feel bad about it, nor am I guilty. I have visions of how my life should be if...In truth I seek only to be in tune with His will so I am not concerned so much with the past. I see lately the great opening that comes with happiness. It is as if the world were open to give you its treasure and you are embracing this very giving. I see so many smart people so sad. So much despair. I also despair sometimes. It doesn't mean I am smart. I wish for days where we all can celebrate Life and The One Source of Life.
Waking up is harder if you do not look forward toward the good. I know that when I am in negative space I never want to get up. When I am not so buried in my own mess I see so much more clearly the good and the possibility for me bringing the good to myself and those around me. I want everyone to be with good in there lives and to seek a path of simplicity which enables the good to spread to every aspect of simple life and higher life. We should come to know our hidden potential. We should look courageously forward to life anew and full of power and sweet holiness. I love you.

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