Friday, May 06, 2005

The place of Law

Love precedes necessity, the connection is the essence, then the law becomes a strength. I am lost to the boundary. I am blind to the judgment. I am moving to the mothers fire. She is alight with love. Her words delineate the truth and uphold the very sacred. I can't always hear these words for my bodies fire is too bright. I play the role of holy man but really i hope one day to know. Being around them will rub off on me and then I will be one too. I listen but it does not mean I understand. I need this prayer to fill her with a life not of her own. She beckons me to not give up even when I know I am far. She is a mother to all life and in her all are born. The light is coming day by day in moments far from me. I hope for this everlasting life I pray it take me away. I want to know the boundary and why it all makes sense. If it is so then all should know his energizing love. To see him in the right and wrong and not call the kettle black. We should not loose site of him if we have the humor of the night. The laughter of waking in the morning sheds its light on absurd life. We stand in awe of each beat and each breath. We laugh at ourselves to not be overcome with frivolity. The gevurah exists only with he who laughs at himself for if not he does not know his essential nature and he cannot judge truly the delicate strings which bring his life every day. I don't see clearly but my will is such. Let me see clearly. Let me love clearly. I will manifest his existence and protect its delicate life.

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