Thursday, April 28, 2005

Existence unique in balanced dimension

Netzach in Hesed

Tiferet is the aesthetic gateway to all unity (but not Nimrodian unity G-d forbid) to beauty, the pure elegance of existence art collage of all things in constant realignment with each other casting eternity shadows in ways that make us feel like we are watching this whole trip on a movie screen. If so then this move is just a movie and movies don't matter right? Existence is expressing itself leading us closer to the primary being and in every piece there is a smell of Him. But will we be satisfied on any secondary level of existences expression. Will we give in to the avodah zarah of convenience letting comfort and ease fatten and flatten our momentum until we are stuck on the couch of a nice job or a bad cycle of events trapping us and lusting us away from the fundamental source of our very Being, our very Life. We must not! We shall not settle for anything less than ultimate truth revealed in whatever space you happen to be occupying at this moment NOW. That is worth fighting for. To understand that this world is not infinite and that it is absolutely necessary that it be finite in order for my little existence to be fully needed because it will not come back again. Existence expresses itself in ultimate singularity. Dimension allows that expression to fill a space sustainable. Elegance is the play of all life balance and the plot of creation dancing to the tune of His drum. Uniqueness is the direction of the inner plot and the intent of the conductor's truth. The direction of the conductors wand is an assertion that this life is meaningful. Listen and look and you will see his baton beckoning you to stand up and solo or harmonize at this moment. And if you do not pay attention you will probably get rapped on the knuckle of your thick scull.
Hesed is the ongoing struggle of Life. The battle of each independent eternal to find its place in the puzzle play symphony of increasing complexity. You must not only appreciate the world as art, you must conduct it and circumcise it for HaShem loves the poor not to give them sustenance but to allow us to give them sustenance and thus participate in the revelation of this eternal singularity.
So get up for this something that you can not express or even conceive of. Thus is the battle of meaning in the world. We must not be complacent to the entropic tendency that deceives everything into falling apart. We must be strengthened in the knowledge that these expressions of existence are communicating the greatest value ever and only you and I can stand up and call out for this great love. We are eevrim because of Avraham. This week is for Avraham. He was an eevri because the entire world was on this eyver(side) and he was on the other. He stands there today calling out to all the Jews to get up and start listening, to start screaming about this truth we all know and will not fight for because the towers are too big and the banks are too many. I spit on the straw towers of bavel that block our vision to the lofty skies of idealism and truth. Then I light a match with my soul flame and burn the lies to the ground. It has come time to live in a world symphony conducted for the sake of all humanity. To see every aspect of this creation as absolutely essential to the ultimate expression of His uniqueness, we must participate in this unfolding and freely choose to fill all lack spiritual or physical. Hesed is the demand to achieve ultimate perfection through our unique instruments of G-d given power music. May we conquer Him fully.

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